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Thursday, June 19, 2008

George Clooney Dumped Sarah Larson Over Boob Job:

Note to women...if you want to win George Clooney's heart, forget about getting a boob job.

Sarah Larson, George's former squeeze, ignored that little piece of advice and got her chest enhanced. The words "former squeeze" say all that needs to be said about how that worked out for her.

"George really didn't want her to get the boob job," a source said. "She asked George if she could do her recovery at his house and he agreed."

Nice of George to let her boobies heal at his place. Not so nice of him to not tell her he was dumping her, forcing her to find out from the press.

Of course it wasn't the boobs themselves that probably bothered George. No, George is a smart guy...he got right away what the boob-job said about Sarah and her reasons for being with him. A girl in her position getting her tits done screams, "I want to be famous." And George obviously had no desire to be her means to that end.

George has self-respect if not class. Sarah Larson has neither (but at least she has luscious melons now).

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