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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Billy Ray Cyrus Talks Naughty Miley Pic:

Billy Ray Cyrus allowed himself to be questioned yet again about the infamous Annie Liebovitz photo showing his little innocent daughter Miley wrapped only in a blanket.

Billy Ray should refuse to answer questions about the picture anymore. It's old news. But, obviously, it's still something he thinks he needs to defend. Why? It wasn't her fault and it wasn't his drop it right?

I love his defense of why he wasn't with Miley at the photoshoot: "I didn't have any choice. I had a show to do, and an obligation, to go to Washington state ... playing for the troops just back from Iraq." Okay Billy're off the hook for being a shit father because you love the troops.

By the way...the day Miley officially becomes worth a billion dollars will also hopefully be the day the sun explodes, destroying humanity. We don't deserve to live if something like that can happen.

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