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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Stone turns 50 Monday

Like Madonna, Jane Fonda and even Hillary Clinton, Sharon Stone is proving that in the modern era, strong and beautiful women can thrive in the public eye even past the traditional years of their prime.Stone turns 50 Monday, and though she may no longer be dominating headlines as much as she did in her heyday, she still is seen as a sexy superstar all over the world.

Curtis poses topless to prove older woman are beautiful:

The aging actress Jamie Lee Curtis posed topless on the cover of a magazine to prove older women can look beautiful if they take care of themselves.

Jagger unhappy with close up shots in documentary:

Rolling Stones lead singer Mick Jagger is not happy with the close ups Oscar winning director Martin Scorsese

Diaz urges fans to donate to environment causes:

Actress Cameron Diaz is urging fans to make donations to environment causes as a tribute to her late father.
Christensen regrets not working with Pacino:

"Star Wars" star Hayden Christensen had to forgo the chance to work with Hollywood legend Al Pacino for "Star Wars" and he regrets it.
I am getting married, says Jessica Alba:

Actress Jessica Alba, who is pregnant and is expected to deliver early summer, has set a date for her wedding with boyfriend Cash Warren.
Angelina and Brad honoured by Time magazine:

Hollywood superstars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been honoured by Time magazine for their humanitarian efforts.

Madonna, Minogue in unofficial competition:

Pop superstar Madonna and Australian singer Kylie Minogue will unofficially compete with each other as both are set for a concert in France
Victoria a nightmare, says footballer Campbell's girlfriend:

Football star Sol Campbell's girlfriend Fiona Barratt has called David Beckham's wife Victoria a "prima donna" and "a nightmare".

Jade Goody returning to British TV:

British actress Jade Goody, who was in the news for making racial comments against Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty in the reality show "Big Brother", is set to return to TV.
Law dating Rod Stewart's daughter Kimberly:

Actor Jude Law is reportedly dating rock star Rod Stewart's daughter Kimberly and the two were recently seen kissing at a nightclub in Essex.
I'm very lucky, says Angelina Jolie:

Angelina Jolie, an actress, a mother of four and soon to be six, and involved in many humanitarian efforts all over the world, feels this hectic lifestyle is easier than having a regular career.
Harrison Ford eager to revive older characters:

Hollywood actor Harrison Ford, whose latest movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" is doing surprisingly well, has spoken out about reviving some of his older characters, but says he wouldn't like to re-enact Hans Solo's "Star Wars".

Minogue too hot for Coldplay album:

Rock band Coldplay has decided to drop Australian pop star Kylie Minogue's song "Luna" from their album because it was too hot.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Iron Man" bolts past $300 million at box office:

LOS ANGELES - "Iron Man" will become the first picture of the year to hit $300 million at the North American box office on Thursday.

Through Tuesday, the Marvel-produced comic book adaptation had rung up an estimated $299.3 million in the United States and Canada. And with recent daily grosses for "Iron Man" of no less than $680,000, there was no question about its blowing past the rarefied $300 million mark Thursday.

Last year produced a trio of $300 million movies, led by "Spider-Man 3" with $336.5 million. It took just 23 days to hit $300 million, while "Iron Man" required 51 days. Still, expectations were not nearly as lofty for the Robert Downey Jr. picture before it opened on May 1.

Last May kick-started two other $300 million grossers: "Shrek the Third" ($322.7 million) and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" ($309.4 million).

Among summer 2008's other big openers, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" had earned $279.5 million through Tuesday. Once considered a lock for the $300 million club, the latest installment in the Steven Spielberg franchise might have to claw its way to that level.

Jessica Alba Makes a Baby:

I Now Prounounce You Chuck and Larry star Jessica Alba has made her contribution to over-population by shitting out a kid.

Honor Marie Warren is the baby's name...that's far too normalish for a celebrity kid. She needed to name it something cool like Xerxes Hermitage. That's what I'd name my kid if I were a celebrity and female and got knocked up by some hairy guy everyone thinks I'm way too good for.

As far as I know, both Alba and the kid are in good health. Hopefully Jessica will be a responsible mom and take care of her baby, and not immediately abandon it to go out partying and skanking it up like that bitch Christina Aguilera.

George Clooney Dumped Sarah Larson Over Boob Job:

Note to women...if you want to win George Clooney's heart, forget about getting a boob job.

Sarah Larson, George's former squeeze, ignored that little piece of advice and got her chest enhanced. The words "former squeeze" say all that needs to be said about how that worked out for her.

"George really didn't want her to get the boob job," a source said. "She asked George if she could do her recovery at his house and he agreed."

Nice of George to let her boobies heal at his place. Not so nice of him to not tell her he was dumping her, forcing her to find out from the press.

Of course it wasn't the boobs themselves that probably bothered George. No, George is a smart guy...he got right away what the boob-job said about Sarah and her reasons for being with him. A girl in her position getting her tits done screams, "I want to be famous." And George obviously had no desire to be her means to that end.

George has self-respect if not class. Sarah Larson has neither (but at least she has luscious melons now).

Sandra Bullock Shoots All About Steve:

Sandra Bullock shooting All About Steve. Really? All About Steve? People are going to pay good money to see a movie with a name like that?

The plot via IMDb: Convinced that a CNN cameraman is her true love, an eccentric crossword puzzler (Bullock) trails him as he travels all over the country, hoping to convince him that they belong together.

Thomas Haden Church plays the CNN cameraman. Does Wolf Blitzer have a cameo? When will Sandra Bullock realize no one cares about her attempts at making quirky comedies and just give up?

Oh, I get it...All About Steve like All About Eve. I'm slow today.

No aren't Bette Davis.

No Juice

The Kate Hudson/Lance Armstrong story has no juice whatsoever. They're both just blah. At least when Armstrong was allegedly screwing the one Olsen twin (I forget which one it was now), there was a little cringe factor to work with. But if he dates what? They're so dull together that I could easily see them getting married and being happy.

Billy Ray Cyrus Talks Naughty Miley Pic:

Billy Ray Cyrus allowed himself to be questioned yet again about the infamous Annie Liebovitz photo showing his little innocent daughter Miley wrapped only in a blanket.

Billy Ray should refuse to answer questions about the picture anymore. It's old news. But, obviously, it's still something he thinks he needs to defend. Why? It wasn't her fault and it wasn't his drop it right?

I love his defense of why he wasn't with Miley at the photoshoot: "I didn't have any choice. I had a show to do, and an obligation, to go to Washington state ... playing for the troops just back from Iraq." Okay Billy're off the hook for being a shit father because you love the troops.

By the way...the day Miley officially becomes worth a billion dollars will also hopefully be the day the sun explodes, destroying humanity. We don't deserve to live if something like that can happen.

Selena Gomez Denies Feud With Miley Cyrus:

Budding Disney sensation Selena Gomez denies there's any tension between her and reigning teen-queen Miley Cyrus.

"We’re literally like, It's fine. It's all good," Gomez said. "She's Miley and I'm Selena."

Well she's got the whole identity thing squared away at any rate.

Selena, who stars in the Wizard of Waverly Place, says she's flattered by any comparisons to Miley aka Hannah Montana.

"It's a little overwhelming, but I think really, it's a compliment," Gomez said. "She's obviously extremely successful, and I think she's a wonderful performer...So being compared to her, I was very, very flattered."

Oh, you hate her guts Selena. That's okay because the way Disney goes through little teen personalities, Miley will be on the ash-heap in a couple of months and you'll be the one they're shoving down everybody's throats. It's a factory. Even as we speak, Disney is growing the next generation of teeny-bopper slut-stars in test tubes.

Nicole Kidman's Bodyguard is Willing to Die for Her:

We already knew Nicole Kidman's bodyguard was willing to beat the shit out of photographers to protect her privacy, but now we've learned that he's also willing to lay down his own life for the same.

Stunned paps discovered the lengths to which Kidman's protector would go when they attempted to chase her and Keith Urban after the couple exited New York's Music Box. Their efforts were thwarted, they claim, when the bodyguard exited Nicole and Keith's SUV and lay down in the street to block any would-be pursuers.

"It was unbelievable," one pap said. "We couldn't move. I've never seen anything like this. After about five minutes, this guy just got up, wished us all a nice evening and strolled off.

"You can only hope that Nicole pays this guy a fortune."

I'm disappointed in the paps, quite frankly. I thought they were more persistent than this. Must be a New York thing. The L.A. paps would've just made a speed-bump out of the guy.

My acting career is fated: Justin Timberlake

London :Pop star Justin Timberlake, who features in the movie "Love Guru", believes his career as an actor is fated because he was trying out as a TV star before finding fame as a singer. reports that Timberlake has been successful as a actor though he is a musician and he believes he was always meant to be an actor.

He said: "Acting is a huge passion of mine. I was having a conversation with my step dad the other day, and he said, 'It's funny that you eventually got into film.'

"He reminded me how I got a phone call when I was 14 saying that there's a record company that's going to sign me. But two weeks before that, the plan was to drive to Los Angeles for TV pilot season. So I guess everything works out the way it's supposed to."

Michael congratulates lawmakers for legalising gay marriage:

London : Pop star George Michael has congratulated the lawmakers in California for legalising gay marriage.

Michael is openly gay and he performed in California the day same-sex unions were made legal. Michael, who was once arrested for lewd behaviour in a Beverly Hills public toilet, is happy that gays and lesbians can now be legally married, reports.

He said: "It's way overdue. It's something that happened ... almost without a whisper in England. Because this is a much more religious society, there are a huge number of people who want unions to be part of something that they can place in their religion."

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Emma Watson - new face of Coco Chanel scent:

English actress Emma Watson will be replacing Keira Knightley as the new face of Coco-Chanel perfume Coco Mademoiselle. Watson, famous for her role as potion-loving Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series, has signed a two-year contract for 3million pounds to be the new face for the Chanel scent.

The 18-year-old will be replacing 23-year-old Knightley as the face for the French Fashion House, once the latter's contract ends this summer. "Chanel have been dressing Emma for film premieres and parties in recent months to integrate her into the brand," the Sun quoted a source at Chanel as saying.
Is Halle Berry Pregnancy desire fulfilled?

It is rumoured that Halle Berry is pregnant with her first child. While some are saying that the Oscar-winning actress is expecting a baby with her actor boyfriend, Michael Ealy, while other sources claim the couple is in the process of trying for a child.

No one is sure until there is some response from Halle’s spokeswoman who has not release any comment so far. But the media is wondering why so, as the stunning actress has made no secret of her desire to become a mother in public.

Halle, who has been married to David Justice and, then, to Eric Benet, has recently declared she is “done with men”. But the 39-year-old actress admitted while on the Oprah Winfrey show that she is desperate to have children before she turns 40 next year.

She said “If there’s no serious man, whoever I’m dating at the time, I’ll say, ‘Hey, would you like to have a baby? I’ll sign a paper that will say I won’t ask you for one red cent.’”

After a turbulent love life, the sexy star confessed she may have to resort to artificial insemination or adoption to realise her dream of motherhood.

She said, “It looks like the only option I have left is to head for the sperm bank. I’ve been so desperately unlucky in love and that has thwarted my desire for motherhood. It’s so frustrating. “The only other option would be adoption. I really yearn for a child and I can’t wait much longer.”

Oprah’s two cents to Stanford grads:

Popular talk show host Oprah Winfrey has asked 4,700 students graduating at Stanford University in California to trust their instincts.

She told students at a commencement address to depend on their feelings like "a GPS system for life."

She said, "When you are doing the work you are meant to do, it feels right. Check your ego at the door and check your gut instead. Every wrong decision was the result of me not listening to my voice. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it."

She also confessed that she did not trust her instincts when she built her school for girls in Africa. She said she was too busy planning the look of the school but she should have been paying more attention to the employees. One employee was accused of abusing the girls at the school last year.

She added, "I had been paying attention to all of the wrong things. I built a school from the outside in, instead of from the inside out."

The address was special for Winfrey because her best friend Gayle King's daughter was among the graduates.

Angels & Demons banned from church:

Rome's diocese said it has barred the producers of Angels & Demons from filming in two churches for the prequel to the The Da Vinci Code the popular book and film that angered many Catholic leaders.

Producers of the film, directed by Ron Howard and starring Tom Hanks, were turned down because the movie "does not conform to our views," said Monsignor Marco Fibbi, a spokesman for the diocese.

The crew had asked to film in the churches of Santa Maria del Popolo and Santa Maria della Vittoria, two architectural jewels in the heart of Rome that include paintings by Caravaggio, sculptures by Bernini and a chapel designed by Raphael.

Permission was denied in 2007, but the issue surfaced only now that filming is ongoing in Rome, Fibbi said. The Sony-produced film was put on hold during the Writers Guild of America strike that ended in February and is now scheduled for release in May 2009.

Fibbi's comments first were reported this week by the Italian entertainment magazine TV Sorrisi e Canzoni. "It's a film that treats religious issues in a way that contrasts with common religious sentiment," said Fibbi. "We would be helping them create a work that might well be beautiful but that does not conform to our views."

Fibbi acknowledged that the controversy over writer Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code and its blockbuster movie version had weighed on the decision.

The story drew anger and prompted calls for boycotts by church leaders worldwide with the idea that Jesus married and fathered children and by depicting the conservative Catholic movement, Opus Dei, as a murderous cult.

"This is a prequel to The Da Vinci Code and it's clear that the theme is similar," Fibbi said. He added that the ban would not stop the crew from filming the exterior of the churches.

Brown's Angels and Demons is a religious thriller combining an ancient secret brotherhood called the Illuminati, code-cracking, a papal conclave and a high-tech weapon threatening to destroy the Vatican.

It features Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon of The Da Vinci Code fame, played by Hanks in the movie.

The Happening is #3 on box office:

Talented Indian American filmmaker M Night Shyamalan's latest offering The Happening has received mixed response at the box office as well as reviews.

Shyamalan's eighth film has done second lowest business in the opening weekend after his disastrous Lady in the Water (2006). The Happening came in third place with $30.5 million in US and Canadian theatres while The Incredible Hulk was the top film at the box office with sales of $54.5 million.

However, The Happening has not done too badly. It opened in fewer than 3,000 theatres, and has grossed on par with the director-scriptwriter's Unbreakable in 2000 but not quite as much as his Signs and The Village, both of which opened over $50 million.

Considering the film had gathered bad buzz and box office pundits had projected only $22 million for it in weekend ticket sales, it has done pretty well.

More importantly, with a rumoured production budget at just $60 million, distributor 20th Century Fox will consider the apocalyptic horror film a success if it can hold up business over the next few weeks.

As for reviews, The Happening got only 19 positive write-ups of 97 tracked on on Friday.

In the movie, Mark Wahlberg plays a father who tries to escape from a crisis that poses a threat to humanity.

Shyamalan was honoured with a Padma Shri earlier this year by the Indian government.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

We know how most readers feel about Kim nude (Calm down, fellas, we’re working on more photos of this vixen in the buff.)
But let’s try to focus on a different body part of this socialite for a moment: her hair.

Jason Wahler and Katja Decker-Sadowski are getting married.
That they’re engaged is nothing new - but it could be a sealed deal within a year, according to the former Laguna Beach star’s bride-to-be!
“We want to do it sooner rather than later,” said Katja, a student at USC.
“My parents want me to finish school first and that won’t be until 2010. So we want to do it probably a little bit before graduation, but I need my parents’ help to plan the wedding!”
Ryan Phillippe, Reese Witherspoon Finalize Divorce:

Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe finalized their divorce yesterday.
According to documents dated June 12, the former couple “have settled all their remaining issues in these proceedings.” Witherspoon filed for divorce in 2006, citing irreconcilable differences.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Salma Hayek to marry French fiance?

Washington : Salma Hayek has started looking for a wedding gown, for the actress is planning a summer wedding for herself, according to French reports.

If reports are to be believed, the Frida star is taking her relationship with businessman fiance Francois-Henri Pinault to the next level and is planning to wed in St. Tropez later this summer (08),

It was just last year that the couple welcomed their baby daughter Valentina Paloma into the world and the baby will be witnessing her parents enter matrimony.

According to reports by, the 41-year-old Hayek has happily agreed to marry the French millionaire.

The duo first met in April 2006 and they finally spilled the beans on their relationship in 2007.

Bra-less Pammie treats Canadian locals with boob-show:

New York : Actress Pamela Anderson inadvertently showed off her famous twin assets in her native Canada, by wearing a semi-sheer shirt sans the bra.

The former Baywatch babe, who had become an American citizen in 2004, attracted a lot of attention as she hosted the Grand Prix party at a nightclub in Montreal over the weekend, reports the New York Daily News.

The reason everyone was paying her so much attention was that the actress' boobs were on full display under her transparent shirt. It seemed like in her excitement at being back in her native country, the 40-year-old buxom blonde forgot to wear a bra.

The lack of support didn't seem to bother the mother of two, as Anderson shouted, jumped up and down and waved the Canadian flag with gusto at the party.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Madonna rejects Paris Hilton as Kabbalah follower:

Pop singer Madonna who is an avid follower of Kabbalah religion, has hit out at Paris Hilton for damaging the credibility of the mystical Jewish faith and insists that such actors merely dabble with the religion, with no intention of practicing it.
“People like Paris Hilton who come into a centre and buy a book or a band and that’s it for them. It doesn’t mean they study it. It’s very hard to be a believer. I’m very serious about it,” the 47-year-old fumed to Britain’s Radio One.

Cameron Diaz wants to be always late:

Cameron Diaz gives a new theory on her being late. She claims she’s always late because she lives in her own time zone.
The screen beauty - who is romancing pop heartthrob Justin Timberlake - insists she operates a quarter of an hour behind the rest of the world. She said “I exist on another time schedule and it’s 15 minutes later than everybody else. But that’s it, I don’t go over that. I think it’s rude to be on time.”
The blonde actress blames her punctuality problems on being an overdue baby. She said, “I was three weeks late being born. That’s five minutes for every week so it doesn’t matter if I get up two hours early and I’m ready to go an hour before I’m supposed to be there.”

Zeta Jnoes denies making Sharone Stone Upset:

Hollywood actress Catherine Zeta-Jones has rejected the reports of her rivalry with ‘Basic Instinct’ star Sharon Stone as rubbish.
The Welsh beauty, who will play legendary actress Lana Turner in new movie ‘Stompanato‘, squarely denied rumours that she upset Stone the by beating her to the lead role in the film.
“I don’t know about Sharon being upset about not getting to play Lana. And I know her well. But guess what? I wanted to be in Basic Instinct 2!” Zeta-Jones was quoted as saying.
Liz-Hurley to wed Arun Nayar Soon:

The model-turned-actress Elizabeth Hurley is looking forward to her marriage with boyfriend Arun Nayar soon, at Lake Udaipur in India as Nayar’s divorce application against his ex-wife has been was granted by the English courts.
The divorce came through in end-October and Nayar had to pay a USD 1.2 million settlement to divorce his wife Valentina Pedroni to whom he was married for seven years. Friends were quoted as saying that the payout had left him financially stretched but deeply relieved that he was now free to marry the woman he loved. Hurley is reported to be delighted with the news.
“Elizabeth is delighted that Arun’s divorce has finally come through,” a friend said. “It was all very hush-hush and was rushed through in an English court. Like Liz and Arun, Valentina had tired of the whole sorry saga and just wanted it to be over.”

Jolie Has Used Black-Magic to Steal Aniston's Husband:

According to a voodoo expert Angelina Jolie can be a black magic woman.
Doctor Snake, the author of cult best-seller “Voodoo Spellbook” claims actress Angelina Jolie allegedly used her knowledge of the dark art, Voodoo, to lure Hollywood heartthrob Brad Pitt away from his wife Jennifer Aniston.
A friend of Aniston disclosed that Jolie had given Brad a vial which contained some ‘grey powder‘ that the actor later revealed to be the remains of a bat. Angelina said at the time the unusual gift was to keep Brad safe from accidents.
But Dr Snake insists bat remains are almost exclusively for black magic including spells to ruin relationships. He said, “That vial sounds suspiciously like a voodoo ‘mojo hand’, or magical charm to me.”

Charliez Theron is no 'Bond' Gal:

Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron has turned down the Bond girl role offered to her in the upcoming James bond series ‘Casino Royale’, opposite new secret agent Daniel Craig.

The role was earlier offered to ‘Tomb Raider’ star Angelina Jolie and ‘Lost In Translation’ actress Scarlett Johansson but now all three actresses have turned down the opportunity to star as famous Bond girl.

This is reportedly giving gapers-creepers to Bond producers as they are left with only a month to sign on a female lead for ‘Casino Royale’ which is set to begin shooting in January.

Britney Has Her Baby Blessed at Hindu Temple:

Popular Movie MR&MRS Smith Remade for TV Series:

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie starrer Hollywood flick ‘Mr and Mrs Smith’ which earned above USD 186 million at the North American box office last summer is remade by ABC for the television series.

The network has ordered a pilot, which the film’s director, Doug Liman, is expected to shoot, subject to availability. It envisages the pilot will be ready for midseason 2006-07 or fall 2007 consideration.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith revolve around a pair of married assassins hired to kill each other. But instead of the original stars reprising their roles, the filmmakers will be casting new unknown faces as married assassins in the latest incarnation of the movie. “We’re going to do a nationwide talent search and find basically the next Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie,” Liman said.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

'Sex' outsells Indy at the US box-office:

SEX AND THE CITY has beat off competition from Indiana Jones to become the number one movie at the US box-office this weekend. The film, which stars Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis, took a huge $55.7 million from 3,285 theaters across North America, to become the top opening R-rated comedy of all time, beating 1999's AMERICAN PIE
Adam Sandler is a Dope:

In fact, he's made a good livin' playing the immature, flatulent, never-gonna-grow-up man-child — more than 12 times
By Walt Tripp